10+ Profitable Niches With Low Competition (in 2021)

Niche Guru
16 min readOct 2, 2020


Do you want to start an online business but have no idea what niche to choose?

Finding a profitable niche can be challenging because it requires some market research and analyzing trends.

Just choosing a popular niche is not enough. You also need to understand who you will be competing with. But overall, you want to make sure you don’t waste your time choosing the wrong niche.

That is why I have done all the hard work for you researching the most profitable niches with low competition in 2021, so you can choose yours today.

Let’s dive in.

profitable dropshipping niches: infographic

What makes a profitable niche market?

A profitable niche is the one where there is demand.

It is a niche in which people are already buying a product or service. And that is what niche marketing is about: sell what people are already buying.

You need to find a pain point and put a solution to it in the form of a product or service people will be willing to spend their money on.

There are always problems to be solved. Or even provide a solution to some hobbies, for instance:

  • People who love photography will read reviews before buying a new one or replace the one they have. They need to know they are investing their money properly.
  • People with tiny houses will be looking for furniture and ideas to help them maximize their space.

You just need to find a niche you’ll be comfortable writing about and look for solutions within that niche. Once you do that, the money will follow.

If you already have some knowledge about a topic or a passion, that would be a great starting point.

How to find profitable niches with low competition?

If you want to find profitable niches with low competition, you should go niche-specific.

A mistake most first-time online entrepreneurs make is that they want to build the biggest and greatest website in the entire world.

One that has reviews and information on any product you can think of. “Like Amazon…but better.”

The best niche markets are those where you look at a broad niche that is working, but you dig down into it. You should aim to dig enough to find a sub-niche or micro-niche within it.

Let’s take the example of the electronics niche. It’s huge, but the competition is fierce. If you decided to go this way, you’d find yourself competing with massive brands like Amazon or MediaMarkt.

Instead, try to focus on something specific targeting and smaller and detailed audience. A low competition niche will make it easier for you to dominate that specific market.

Competing in broad niche markets is entirely possible, but competing in super-focused niches is easier and more profitable.

It’s also a lot less work for attracting free search engine traffic, which should be one of your top objectives.

When you manage to niche down enough, your income starts sooner, and the competence is smaller.

Niche list: The most profitable niches with low competition

  1. Wearable Technology
  2. Home Security
  3. Glamping
  4. Online Dog Training
  5. Maternity Clothing
  6. Eco-Friendly Products
  7. Vanlife
  8. Garage Gym
  9. Vegan Recipes
  10. Massage Chairs
  11. Drone Photography and Video
  12. Resume Services
  13. Crossfit at Home

Glossary for this section:

  • Volume: Search volume shows approximately how many searches Google is getting for that particular keyword each month.
  • Score: The score is to know how difficult it is to rank for that term from very difficult (red) to very easy (light blue). This score also comes with a number. As a rule of thumb, anything with a score of 40 or higher is moderate to complicated. But anything below 40 goes from easy-moderate to very easy.
  • CPC: (cost per click) shows how much advertisers are bidding to get their ad shown on Google when that keyword is searched. The higher this number, the more money it’s behind it.
  • PPC: (pay-per-click) It’s an advertising model for the internet in which advertisers pay for publicizing their products on a website or search engine. Each time users click on the ad, they will be guided to the advertiser’s site.

Note: For this niche list section, I have used Google Trends and Keysearch for keyword research.
I have already filtered the search results in Keysearch. So it will show you only the terms worth pursuing with low competition.

1. Wearable Technology

With smartwatches, earphones, sunglasses with speakers, etc., our society it's becoming totally gadget-dependent.

If you think about it, electronic gadgets are a normal part of your life. In fact, the world is evolving in a way that makes electronics a basic. And on top of it, wearables are becoming something really trendy. i.e., apple watch.

Let’s take a look at the google trends for this term:

As you can see, the trend of wearable technology over the last years is quite stable. In fact, it has been growing in interest since 2019.

A niche website dedicated to wearable technology can contain things like earphones, smartwatches, sunglasses, etc. Although this can be one of the most profitable niche markets, it is also one of which content will change with the trends.

Watches, for example, are trendy now. From the traditional watches to the most sophisticated smartwatches, almost everyone has one these days.

Let’s look at this example about “minimalist watches.”

According to Keysearch, the competition for this term would be easy-moderate. The great thing about it is that the search trend seems to have spiked during summer.

Also, it has a search volume of 12100 per month, which is a great way to drive traffic to your site.

You will need to adapt to the trend in wearable technologies. But the good news is that there are and will be many items you can add to your list.

How can you make money in the wearable technology niche?

  • Build a niche-specific website and write reviews about the different wearables. This works great to make money with affiliate marketing.
  • Create a dropshipping website about wearables.

2. Home Security

Nobody likes the idea of feeling unprotected at home.

And these days, security systems and services are most affordable than ever, which makes this niche a great option.

The trend shows home security niche has been quite stable. In fact, it shows an increase in interest over time from 2018.

For example, you could start a niche site focused on home monitoring software, like Wi-Fi security camera systems and PIR lighting systems.

Or you could also niche down and create a site that covers burglar-proof houses. You could cover each part of the house promoting different products or by areas and functionality.

For instance, “burglar-proof windows” could be something you could write about within this niche.

A search volume of 1600 per month with fairly easy competition makes this a great topic to cover.

The search trend not only seems stable, but there is also a decent search volume for fairly easy competition. That means you could cover this topic in-depth and rank in the search engines.

How can you make money in the home security niche?

  • Create a Youtube channel reviewing home security gadgets and appliances. Then you can place ads and even affiliate links on your videos.
  • Selling ad space. If you do a good job, many companies will want to advertise on your website.
  • Start an affiliate marketing site on making your home burglar-proof.

3. Glamping

If there is a trending topic in the travel world right now, that would be glamping.

Glamping means the activity of camping with some of the comforts and luxuries of home.

And what is so cool about it is that you could have amazing glamping experiences without even leaving your country (or city) on very unique sites.

As you can see, the term glamping has been gaining interest over time. It was only in 2020 when it spiked.

I have another website travel-related, and I can tell you glamping is here to stay. Now, when we look into this niche in-depth, we can easily see many potentials.

From the terms here, you can see it is a low competition niche. This means there are untapped keywords with a great search volume behind them you could rank for.

Relatively new niches like this one are perfect because the competition is still low. So this makes it one of the most profitable niches with low competition within the travel niche.

How can you make money in the glamping niche?

  • Start a blog where you review the different glamping all around the world. You could use Agoda or Booking.com to make money with affiliate marketing.
  • Focus on a blog about local glamping where you cover all the angles about glamping in that place. This way, you can earn good money advertising local glamping companies and promoting outdoor gear with the Amazon affiliate program.

4. Online Dog Training

If you have a dog or think about getting one, this can be a very lucrative sub-niche.

The pets niche has massive potential since almost everybody has a pet. In particular, the market for dogs is huge, with great affiliate programs that can make you earn a decent income.

“Dog training” has always being a popular topic, which makes it a safe bet.

If we search for online dog training, this is what we get:

Many people decided to look for online dog training for their 4 legs lads in these times of uncertainty. The result created interest in affiliate marketers in a sub-niche where competition is easy-moderate.

How can you make money in the online dog training niche?

  • You could start a niche website about a specific breed. That works great to attract a target audience looking for your tips and advice, and ultimately, they will be willing to buy the products you suggest.
  • Another option could be a YouTube channel. Make each video worth watching. You could get to monetize a channel like that rather fast.

5. Maternity Clothing

Only during the last 40 years, our planet's population has almost doubled to 7.6 billion people.

That’s a lot of babies born every single day. Which means the maternity market is huge. And the expenses for the parents already begin during the pregnancy.

During the last 5 years, it has already proved to be a very stable niche.

It has also increased in popularity amongst bloggers in this period. Meaning you have to be creative for better chances to be found on search engines.

Luckily, when it comes to the sub-niche “maternity clothes,” there are some untapped ideas you can use.

These are just a few ideas to prove to you this can be a very profitable niche with low competition—great search volume, great CPC, and easy to rank.

How can you make money in the maternity clothing niche?

  • Create a fashion blog about clothes for moms. You can land very good sponsorships in this niche.
  • Another popular option is a dropshipping niche website specialed in clothes for moms.

6. Eco-Friendly Products

During the last years, it seems people are getting more conscious of the environment.

As a result, sustainable and eco-friendly products are becoming very popular. This is one of the emerging profitable niches with low competition.

In the trend above, you can already see how this topic became trendier from the end of 2018. As a result, this niche's recent popularity makes a great opportunity to make money online in a market with low competition at the moment.

Here you can find some examples of good keywords to target for this sub-niche:

What is great about this niche market is that even though the search volume is not massive, competition is easy-moderate for terms with a great CPC.

How can you make money in the niche of eco-friendly products?

When we talk about products websites, normally the best 2 options are:

  • Create a one-click dropshipping niche website with Alidropship. It is easy to set up and has a great range of products from which you can get a great margin.
  • Build an authority niche website where cover all the angles of eco-friendly products. These would be tips to be more eco-friendly, DIY eco-friendly products, a list of eco-friendly products for home, for the car, etc.

7. Van life

Van life is a social movement of nomadic individuals who reject how we are all “told” to live in favor of minimalism, simplicity, adventure, and reassessing what is truly meaningful in life.

It is commonly associated with travel and glamorous images on social media, but this lifestyle's reality is far from that.

Yet, it is gaining popularity in recent years because you can live amazing experiences without leaving your country.

In the graphic below, you can how the trend has drastically changed in the last 5 years, with a massive increase. This can translate into one of the most profitable niches with low competition since the concept is “fairly new.”

Part of the reason why van life is so popular is, without a doubt, Instagram. But the truth is that you don’t even need to travel far to live amazing experiences.

Also, many digital nomads are opting for the van life for a period of their lives.

Here you can see some topics to cover in this niche when looking for van life:

Most of the topics are fairly easy to rank for and can provide you excellent ideas on what to cover. It looks like the best business opportunity might be on buying and converting them by the look of it.

How can you make money in the van life niche?

  • Create a blog about how to convert a van from scratch. You can then monetize with affiliate marketing, ads, and sponsorships. This can work great together with social media. Show behind the scenes and how things are done to engage your audience.
  • Create a course on Teachable or Udemy about all you need to do to convert a van.
  • If you have the time and the budget, you could convert vans into something fancy and re-sell them. Although it is more time-consuming, it can also be very profitable.

8. Garage Gym

This concept has become very popular after the pandemic, and it is here to stay.

The idea is to transform your garage into a gym so you can exercise easily from the safety of your home.

Here you can see the spike just after the pandemic.

There is a clear change in the trend after the pandemic. The good thing is that still today looks stable, and people are into it.

Let’s check how it looks like in terms of competition when looking for related terms:

“Garage gym” itself has a perfect search volume with an easy-moderate competition.

The other terms show such a low volume mainly because these are relatively new terms. It takes some time for the new terms to show up on keyword tools, but that is also something you should take advantage of. Because it also means far less competition.

How can you make money in the garage gym niche?

  • Start a blog about how to reconvert the garage into a gym. This will work great for affiliate marketing.
  • Start a Video-on-demand channel with different pieces of training you can do from home. You don’t even need a website to do this; you can use a third-party platform to upload your videos with a subscription plan.

9. Vegan Recipes

We live in a time where some people try to reduce meat consumption, cook more plant-based meals, or simply stay healthy.

That is exactly the reason why vegan recipes are becoming so popular. There is not Instagram influencer without a good-looking vegan dish on their account.

This translates into a business opportunity. And this graphic clearly shows that.

Vegan recipes became trendy back in 2017, and since then, they are everywhere.

If you consider the number of people who want a healthier life (one of the top niches but very competitive), it makes sense vegan recipes niche goes hand in hand.

Let’s take a look at some related terms:

This clearly shows that not only is easy to rank for most of these terms, but also the search volume is great. This proves that this can be one of the most profitable niche websites with low competition you can start today.

How can you make money in the vegan recipes niche?

  • Build an authority site about vegan recipes. Normally, the easiest way to monetize these sites is with ads because they tend to receive terrific traffic.
  • Youtube channels focused on vegan recipes work great in this niche. You can also use a video on demand platform to make money with a minimum investment.

10. Massage Chairs

Who does not enjoy some peaceful time at home after work? What if, on top of that, we add a massage? Bingo!

Now you know why people are getting serious about massage chairs.

People live hectic lives, so it is not rare they look for some extra comfort back at home. That would also explain why this trend is growing.

The reason is growing is because the offer of massage chairs is bigger than it used to be. This translates into more affordable options, so almost anybody can buy one now.

Let’s see some related terms in terms of competition:

Together with volume and CPC, the difficulty score suggests this can be one of the most profitable niches with low competition right now.

If you think about it, if someone goes to Google and looks for massage chair info, most likely they want to know all the features and decide to buy it or not. That is the pure commercial value behind it.

How can you make money in the massage chair niche?

  • Build an affiliate website where you review the different types of massage chairs.
  • Create a dropshipping business for massage chairs.

11. Drone Photography and Video

Drones can be compelling tools in many sectors.

Its ability to get to places you could not get anywhere else and to show places from a different perspective makes them extra valuable.

And the good news is that the time where drones were an exclusive and expensive tool is long gone. These days drones are affordable, anyone can use one, and are in high demand for aerial photography and video.

Also, the new features some drone includes, make them easier to operate.

Since many people have one, the offer is now huge. And even small companies can easily afford drone shots of their business.

If we check some of the related terms people search for:

We can see that both drone photography and video are on demand.

One of the sectors where drone photography is used the most is the real state. It can be a very profitable business, and competition is still easy-moderate.

How can you make money in the drone photography and video niche?

12. Resume Services

In these modern times, people normally don’t stay at the same job for as long as they used to.

Stability seems harder, and people also like to change jobs when they get bored or experiment with something new.

That is why a resume service can work great.

If we look at the trend, it seems very stable and even growing during the last year.

New technologies and new ways of living translate into new markets. So it just makes sense people look for resume services to leverage their profiles.

Let’s take a look at some related terms:

As you can see, the competence here is slightly harder than others on this list, although it is still easy-moderate.

But there is a good reason for that. You just need to check the CPC column: They are all very profitable terms. And where is money, there is competition.

How can you make money in the resume service niche?

13. Crossfit at home

If there is something we have learned about the pandemic, it is that we can do almost everything at home.

With the prohibition of using gyms and other public spaces, many people looked for alternative ways of working out. And one of the clear winners is CrossFit.

Let’s analyze the trend for CrossFit at home:

Now, this might seem stable but with not a lot of interest over time. It was only during the pandemic when it really spiked.

But to find the most profitable niches with low competition, you need to stay ahead most of the time.

So let’s find out if this would be something worth pursuing by checking some related keywords:

From the related keywords, we can see that there are some possibilities. In fact, by covering the CrossFit home gym and supplements topics, you could make your profitable niche with relatively low competition.

How can you make money with the Crossfit at home niche?

  • Build an affiliate website where you cover all the aspects of a CrossFit home gym. Include tips, workout lists, supplements, etc.
  • Create video-on-demand training. Use Uscreen so people can subscribe to your channel and start making money from day one.

Are you ready to start your profitable niche with low competition?

There you have it: 10+ profitable niches with low competition in 2021

This list of niches will offer you the opportunity to choose a profitable business. But to make it work, you need to work hard on your content.

Thank you for your reading.

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Originally published at https://thenicheguru.com on October 2, 2020.



Niche Guru

Website to help you find a niche and teach you all about niche marketing | https://www.thenicheguru.com